Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament CheatCodes

1Kill Yourselfsuicide
2Play Deadfeigndeath
3Show All Itemsshowall
4View Your Connectionstat net
5Have All Gunsloaded
6999 Ammoallammo
7Drop Your Weaponsthrowweapon
83rd Person Viewbehindview 1
10View Your Teammatesviewteam
11Go Thru Walls And Flyghost
12More Botsaddbots #
13Change Game Speedslomo 1.0 - 10.0
14Change Screen FocusFov #
15Make your character flyfly
16Make your character walkwalk
17No botskillall bot
18Pause all the games actionsplayersonly
191st person viewbehindview 0
20View a certain playerviewplayer [name]
21Change songcdtrack #
22Reconnect to a serverreconnect
23Disconnect from a serverdisconnect
24Jump any hieght you wantsetjumpz #
25Say any speechspeech # #
26Pause the gamePause
27View your framessuck
28Set a command to a buttonset input [button] [command]
29Open the games memory [Note 2]Open
(29 codes total)
Note 1: All codes with names must be used with this method. While in a game bring up your chat. Then hold down Esc and type in set input # then code and hit enter.(Exp: >set input 1 feigndeath) Then when you hit 1 code will activate or unactivate. Some codes may or may not work online. All codes are valid and have been tested.

Note 2: This code allows you to do anything you want. Here are the values to add to the code. tl=time limit, sl=score limit, dif=how hard the bots are, team=your team color, numbots=number of bots, mut=mutators, np=number of players, char=your character, name=your characters name, game=what type of game. Say you want to play team deathmatch on Malevolence 100 frag limit and very hard bots and have your character as riker name Dark nation you would enter. Open dm-Malevolence-dc?dif=7?sl=100?char=2?name=Dark nation?game=botpack.teamgameplus. That would be the command. You get it? Its better explained on Gamefaqs boards but if you dont understand something just email me at satam_devil@yahoo.com And ill explain everything to you or just go to Boards and hit the UT link and ASK!!!